Public Tickets All Categories Dentalia (12) Recycle (3) Presale question (1) Bug report - expired support (0) wachusettearthday Does the Recycle theme support Elementor?Closed Recycle Updated April 1, 2021 at 5:25am 2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,We do not officially support Elementor, but you can use it if you wish. The theme widgets are available to use in Elementor as well. However there are some theme features, which are not available i ... nicolasgmatonti fatal error recycle theme plugin installClosed Recycle Updated March 25, 2021 at 6:46pm 4 Most recent comment from nicolasgmatonti:Yes, plugin Redux. I had to deactive it, installed the recycle theme plugin and them i actived the redux plugin again. mcwebsitedesign Missing Widgets After UpdateClosed Recycle Updated March 22, 2021 at 9:01am 2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,I am sorry for the issues with update. I am glad they are resolved and thank you for your feedback. Early versions of the Recycle theme had theme options in the Theme, but then Envato changed thei ... brandonpulse CompatabilityClosed Recycle Updated March 10, 2021 at 6:43am 2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,Yes. Latest Recycle works with WP 5.7. But as with all software updates, it's better to wait just a couple of days to let potential bugs be identified and fixed.Kind regards,Timea jjelkin Styling of text in widgetsClosed Recycle Updated February 24, 2021 at 7:14am 2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi James, In the current official version, html tags are stripped out from description field. Which means that you can not make part of the text bold or use lists in the description. However, I chec ... werm42 Safe Mode ONLYClosed Recycle Updated February 6, 2021 at 9:03am 2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi, We updated the Redux library (for Theme Options) from version 3.x to 4.x. Since then the Redux importer extension seems to cause issues on some server setups ( in rare cases, with some specific th ... Aurélien C Space between item in masonryClosed Recycle Updated January 13, 2021 at 1:08pm 10 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Great,I am glad, I was able to help.Andrej wachusettearthday updates to Slider Revolution?Closed Recycle Updated December 31, 2020 at 7:34pm 3 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,Please find the latest version of the Revolution slider attached.Generally you can also update by deactivating and deleting the Revolution slider plugin, then you will see a notification, asking yo ... webjuice google maps api key fieldClosed Recycle Updated December 29, 2020 at 9:16am 3 Most recent comment from webjuice:thank you, found MSehdev Icons are displayed as blank rectanglesClosed Recycle Updated November 21, 2020 at 5:12pm 4 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Sure. It should work on any domain.Andrej werm42 Resizing Columns Ignored with Static BlocksClosed Recycle Updated November 9, 2020 at 7:54pm 10 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Yes, the settings seem correct. Would you provide a link please? You can mark the reply as private, if you don't want to share a public link. tlaber Update TroublesClosed Recycle Updated October 22, 2020 at 8:34pm 4 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:I am glad the issue is resolved.I'll leave the ticket. It might help someone, with a similar issue.Best regards!Andrej werm42 Add Class/ID to Orion ButtonsClosed Recycle Updated October 5, 2020 at 9:02pm 2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,Unfortunatly it is not possible to add an ID or additional class name through the orion Button widget. But it can be created by copying the button HTML into the Custom HTML widget. Then you can a ... wesserpartner button translationClosed Recycle Updated August 12, 2020 at 11:09am 11 Most recent comment from wesserpartner:Hi Andrej, I didn't realice it was public OMG. OK I've changed the password now. Thanks for the tip and solving the problem! Best regards, Fernando werm42 Broken API Call Slowing ALLLL WebsitesClosed Recycle Updated August 10, 2020 at 7:14pm 2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,I need a little more info on this issue. When/where is the url to-notices/redux_notice.json called?On my installation, I tested in theme options, and on the page edit screen, and I couldn't ... 1234567