Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!


Public Tickets

jworth11 Portfolio samples in template   Recycle   Updated 2 days ago   11 Most recent comment from jworth11:I have updated .htaccess file with code you gave. Also I have yoastSEO plugin, Tidio chat, WP File manager, WP duplicate pages, WP cache on top of your theme plugins.Please advise. mohsennasr issue in breadcrumbs in other language   Dentalia   Updated 5 days ago   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,esc_html__() is a function, which retrieves the translation of text and escapes it for safe use in HTML output. See here: this par ... ayman Header Text appearing on top of website page   Dentalia   Updated 1 week ago   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,This looks like a schema for a Woocommerce product. Schema is used as metadata about products and is there to enhance how your products appear in search results. Product schema is usually added ... Victor Rojo "whats-new" plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered.   Recycle   Updated June 26, 2024 at 3:11pm   4 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,I don't think it is a part of any of the plugins mentioned. Neither is in the Recycle theme or Recycle plugin.Does this error dissapear if classic editor plugin is installed?There is also a se ... mrcrix topbar menu position   Recycle   Updated June 20, 2024 at 7:32am   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,Thank you for purchasing our theme! If the menus were not imported correctly, please go to Appearance -> Widgets and Select the desired menu from the drop-down.I hope this helps.Timea