Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!


Public Tickets

Benedental faviconClosed   Dentalia   Updated June 13, 2018 at 7:16am   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,You can upload a custom favicon by clicking Customize -> Site identity:I hope this helps,Kind regards,Andrej valinga27 Replace Logo linkClosed   Recycle   Updated June 12, 2018 at 7:57am   7 Most recent comment from valinga27:of course! :)and thank you for responding so quickly! Ashutoshvy why i can't change header colorClosed   Dentalia   Updated June 9, 2018 at 8:37am   4 Most recent comment from Ashutoshvy:got it, thanks! Ashutoshvy meet the dentist page notClosed   Dentalia   Updated June 9, 2018 at 7:47am   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi, Below the regular WordPress editor area (not live editor), you'll find additional meta boxes (Header Settings, Page Title, Sidebars  etc). You may need to scroll down a bit, till you get to the� ... Ashutoshvy TechnicalClosed   Dentalia   Updated June 8, 2018 at 6:36am   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Images:This pretty much depends on the section you are editing. For eample, to change images on the main slider, you will need to edit The Slider Revolution: Other images can be easily replaced using ... Ashutoshvy technicalClosed   Dentalia   Updated June 8, 2018 at 6:18am   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:We don't have video tutorials, but we have quite extensive documentation: can use the search field, to filter out related sections.There are some vi ... John Can't find portion of Team element to editClosed   Dentalia   Updated June 8, 2018 at 5:56am   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi there, This content is being called from the Team post type. To change it you need to edit the single team member.  Below the content editor area, you'll find additional meta boxes (Header Setti ... Benedental Orionthemes WidgetsClosed   Dentalia   Updated May 26, 2018 at 6:50am   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,The best place for getting to know the widgets is Dentalia Theme Documentation. There is entire section on the widgets here: good ... pedrostars Spanish VersionClosed   Recycle   Updated May 23, 2018 at 9:55pm   6 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,Yes sure, we can do this.The information I need is:1. Which URL do you want to install the copy to (ie: or Do you want also to enable the top- ... Joe How to change color of Turquoise buttons?Closed   Dentalia   Updated May 5, 2018 at 10:23pm   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi Joe,By default, the main theme color is used. You can set the main theme colors in Theme Options ->  General -> Design style. So if you want to use orange as the main theme color, just add it her ... SnipySnob Icon Addition IssueClosed   Dentalia   Updated May 5, 2018 at 10:09pm   4 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,I am glad you managed to solve it and thank you for the feedback.Kind regards,Andrej jumbojones Google MapsClosed   Dentalia   Updated May 3, 2018 at 9:21pm   6 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:The team widget will stretch to whole available space. You can control the size of the widget with the Page builder row. So if you want the dentist to be in the only element in the centre of the row, ... ilir0202 how to install theme updates without influencing the information already installedClosed   Dentalia   Updated May 3, 2018 at 4:15pm   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi,There are two possible ways to update:1. Basically you can just replace files on the server with new ones. All the content and theme options are safely saved in the database so nothing should get l ... David Derby Temporarily Hide Row or WidgetClosed   Dentalia   Updated May 4, 2018 at 11:28am   3 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi David,You were asking for HTML classes, which you can use with the theme.You can find them here: hope this helps,Andrej David Derby Siteorgin & Page Builder AddonsClosed   Dentalia   Updated May 3, 2018 at 2:53pm   2 Most recent comment from OrionThemes:Hi David, With Page builder you can basically include any widget anywhere. Any plugin which follows WordPress coding standards, should work just fine with the theme. In some cases some styling adjust ...