Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!

  Public Ticket #3532471
Limit per page


  •  4
    benvalmont started the conversation

    Hi, can the "Orion Document download" Widget be limited to 5 item per page, I mean does it support Pagination ? as I dont want to end up with 40 document on one page :) thanks again, really much appreciated.

    Kind Regards


    Attached files:  OrionDownDoc.png

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    The widget alone does not support pagination, but you can add multiple widgets instead.

    Here is an example built inside the Gutenberg editor using SiteOrigin layout Blocks and page breaks:


    This is how it looks on the front end:


    I see that your current page is built entirely in SiteOrigin Editor, so if you want to redo the page in Gutenberg, make sure that you first save your current content to another page or Static Block,  so you can then just copy/paste from there without having to redo all the buttons. You will see the copy widget/row options if you right-click on a row or widget.


    I hope this makes sense.

  •  4
    benvalmont replied

    Thanks, it does make sense, thanks again, have a great day.

