Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!

  Public Ticket #3445974
demo import


  • moulay74 started the conversation


     I can't import the complete demo with the images? 

    can you help me? 


  •  564
    OrionThemes replied


    Unfortunally we are not allowed to add stock images with the demo, due to copyrights. License gives us permission to use them on the demo, but not to distribute them... 

    To import the demo content, go to Theme Options -> Import Demo Content and click "Import Demo". If you can't see Theme options, make sure the Recycle theme plugin is enabled. 

    All the demo content will be imported. Everything should be the same as our demo, except for the stock images. They are replaced with random images, as the license of stock images does not allow distribution with the theme.

    There is a list of all images we used on the demo, with links where we purchased the images here:

    If you run into any issues, let us know.

    Kind regards

  • moulay74 replied

    thank you for your comeback,
    I can't import the demo it blocks

  • moulay74 replied

    I can't import the demo. it blocks, would you be able to send me a download link?

  •  564
    OrionThemes replied

    So there are three different imports:
    1. Content
    2. Theme Options
    3. Widget options
    It is  quite a process to import this manually. 

    I can login and try to import the demo for you, or at least assess the issue you are experiencing.

    Can you provide me with your WordPress URL and a temporary WP username/password?
    Please mark the reply as "Private", so it will not be publicly visible. 

    Kind regards,
