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  Public Ticket #3213438
Stretch Google Maps iframe in prefooter


  •  8
    Wei started the conversation

    Hi there, 

    Is it possible to embed an iframe of Google Maps location (rather than SiteOrigin Google Maps widget) in my prefooter widget, so that we can have a full-width Google Maps embedment with a native-supported navigation button on its left-top corner, and don't have to maintain an API key?

    So far I got a very narrow Google Maps embedment and is not full-width.


    (by the way, is there any search function for tickets in the forum? So that I don't have to disturb you if similar questions have been answered before)

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    We have a Simple Google Maps widget for this purpose. If you can't see it, then check if it's enabled.

    When I am logged into Ticksy I have a search icon in the top right corner, but I am not sure that customers can also see it. Sadly we have no control over this interface.

    If anything comes up, just ask and I will point you in the right direction.

    Kind regards,


  •  8
    Wei replied

    I see. Unfortunately, I can't find the search icon from the customer side interface, but that's fine.

    Thanks for the fast reply!!

  •  8
    Wei replied

    Hi, I'd like to add two following questions.

    1. Is there an easy way to stretch the Simple Google Maps widget in desktop mode like the effects in tablet and mobile mode?
      Seems it's width is limited by the container now.
    2. How can I cancel the top and bottom padding of the prefooter?


    Attached files:  截圖 2023-02-27 下午8.02.16.png
      截圖 2023-02-27 下午8.01.38.png
      截圖 2023-02-27 下午8.08.34.png

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    It's hard to tell from a screenshot how are things set up on your site. But if the Simple Google Maps widget is added directly to the widget area in Appearance -> Widgets, then you can't stretch it on a desktop. 

    First, create a new Static Block with the Simple G. Map added there, and display it with a Static Block Widget in the Prefooter. This way you'll be able to control the layout of the row with page builder and have it stretched on desktop.

    2.Go to Theme Options -> Footer and check Prefooter Settings. If Prefooter Padding is set, then change both to 0.

    I hope this helps.


  •  8
    Wei replied

    Thank you very much!

    For the first one, I found that I should set Row Layout to Full Width Stretched first.

    For the second one, I kept trying to set the padding o the static block item editing page, but it's actually in the Theme Option > Footer > Prefooter Settings.

    It's all well fixed. 

    Thank you!

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied

    Glad to hear it works