I have a contact form at the end of the page and button at the top, I want customer to click on the button which leads him to the contact form present at the end of the page.
1. Add a unique word ( Row ID ) to the row in whch you have the contact form. This field can be found under the Attributes panel of row styles. For example I use the word contactform here.
2. Link your button to this row by adding #yourid to the end of the destination URL. Example:
I have a contact form at the end of the page and button at the top, I want customer to click on the button which leads him to the contact form present at the end of the page.
How do I do that?
1. Add a unique word ( Row ID ) to the row in whch you have the contact form. This field can be found under the Attributes panel of row styles. For example I use the word contactform here.
2. Link your button to this row by adding #yourid to the end of the destination URL. Example:
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,