Black Screen Issue: Please update your theme to ensure WordPress 5.6 compatibility. Dentalia 2.1 and Recycle 2.1 are now available on ThemeForest. 

  Public Ticket #2725113
Logo over Top-Header


  •  1
    kloevekorn started the conversation

    we try to put the logo over the top-bar-header (using .logo {margin-top: -50px;}. Despite we arranged "z-index: 10000" the logo does not appear in front. 

    Do you have a tip for CSS declaration? 

    Furthermore: Is there a chance to remove the small grey line at the end of header?

  •  532
    OrionThemes replied


    The thing preventing the logo to be pushed over the top bar is overflow: hidden; on the .site.

    If you want to push it over top bar, you can override this with:

    .site {
    overflow: visible;

    To remove the grey line:

    @media (min-width: 992px) {
    .site-header.header-classic .nav-container {
        box-shadow: none;

    I hope this helps,
