Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!

  Public Ticket #2700837
Styling of text in widgets


  •  2
    jjelkin started the conversation


    Thank you so much for the wonderful theme. I was hoping to be able to style text within a widget. Specifically, can I make selected text bold within the @orion features widget. Also,

    • bulleted lists
    • would be
    • very useful

    Please let me know if these options are available. 

    Thank you,

    James Jelkin

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied

    Hi James,

    In the current official version, html tags are stripped out from description field. Which means that you can not make part of the text bold or use lists in the description. 

    However, I checked the code and the solution to this is simple. I already changed it in our development version and those options will be available in the next official version.

    If you want to use this option now, there is just one line of code in the recycle plugin, which needs to change.

    1) Edit the wp-content/plugins/recycle-plugin/widgets/so-widgets/orion-features-w/tpl/orion_features_w-template.php

    2) In the line 163 of this file, you will find this line of code:

    <?php echo esc_html($description);?>

    Simply change it to:

    <?php echo wp_kses_post($description);?>

    This is how it should look like at the end:


    3) Then you will be able to use HTML tags inside the Feature description field.
    Use <ul> for unordered list and <strong> for bold:




    I hope this helps,
