Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!

  Public Ticket #2483912


  •  4
    baggett3dds started the conversation

    Hello, my site title and tag line randomly are now overlapping my site logo. I can't see anywhere to change this within customization. Do you know of any way I can fix this?

    Thank you!

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    Can you share a link to your site, so I can examine the issue?

    Kind regards,


  •  4
    baggett3dds replied

    Hello, thanks for responding. I'm currently working with it on a staging site, but if this is something you need to look at live, I can wait to fix this issue when I push it to the production site and launch it. 

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied

    We can try to resolve this before you go live. 

    Can you create a screenshot of the issue? 
    I'll try to reproduce it on my install. 


  •  4
    baggett3dds replied

    Oh! My apologies. I thought I'd posted this with my first comment. I'll attach what the header currently looks like. Previously the site identity and the logo did not overlap. Thank you for my help. 

    I have been going through and deleting pages off of the demo that I don't need (home pages 2 and 3). That is the only alteration I made in between the header looking correct and it changing. I don't know how those things could be connected but I figured I would mention it in case you thought this would have an effect. 

    Thanks again! 

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    If I understand correctly, the "Advanced Dental solutions Springfield Missouri" is the first menu item? 

    The menu has limited space, especially in the default header layout (in Theme Options)


    You could try swithcing to the second header type, then the logo will be above the navigation and there will be some extra space, for the menu items. But the proper solution, which will work for the current menu type as well, is to reduce the lenght of the menu item by changing  "Advanced Dental solutions Springfield Missouri" to "Home" or at least something shorter.

    If you'd change it to "Home", then it will not take so much space and would not overlap the Logo.

    How to change Navigation Labels:
    You can change the menu item Navigation Label in Appearance -> Menus. Then select your primary menu and rename the first tab to "Home"


    How to know which is the primary Menu?
    The primary menu is the one which has a checkmark at the bottom of the page at "Primary menu" option:


    The primary menu is the one displayed in the main navigation area.
    There must be a primary menu selected. If there is not, the WordPress will just display all the pages inside the primary location without any hieararchical structure. 

    If this answer still doesn't help to get you on the right track, please share a screenshot of your primary menu backend settings, to help me understand the issue.

    Kind regards,


  •  4
    baggett3dds replied

    Thank you again for your thorough explanations. Your customer service really is incredible. 

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    I am glad, I was able to help.
