Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!

  Public Ticket #2374719


  • ejr3571 started the conversation

    I would like to use a BLOCK shortcode for the Copyright area  on the bottom the page. how can I insert a BLOCK shortcode to the footer customize area. 

    I want to out the content as the last item in the footer across the entire page. 

    I was abe to find FOOTER WIDGET 1/2/3/4 but which is displayed on the bottom accross the page. 


  •  568
    OrionThemes replied

    Footer is built from 3 parts. The footer, the prefooter (above the footer) and the Copyright footer (below the footer). Prefooter and Copyright footer can be turned on/off in Theme options. 

    In Theme options, you can set the numbers of columns for the footer, Copyright footer and Prefooter.
    Depending on the number of columns set in Theme Options, this many widget areas will be generated for each of those. So Footer 1 widget area stands for first column in the footer.
    If the Footer is set in theme options to have only 1 column, then Footer 1 will be the only Footer Widget Area available in the Appearance -> Widgets. 

    You can place any widget into the Footer, Prefooter and Copyright footer.

    To add an site wide element at the bottom of the page, use Copyright footer, set it to single column in Theme Options and place the widget inside Copyright Footer 1 (under Appearance -> Widgets).

    If you want to add a Static block to it, simply use a Static block Widget. For shortcodes, you can use the "Text Widget" and place any shortcode inside it.

    I hope this helps,
