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  Public Ticket #2062799
Background colour within widget


  •  5
    newclinic started the conversation

    Hello, I'm struggling to change the background colour within a widget, such as the siteorigin headline widget. When I go to Widget Styles/Design/Background colour it only changes a small box within the entire widget that surrounds the text. But I want the entire widget to be one colour. I've tried removing padding etc but am stuck. Hoping you can help. Thank you!

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    I tried replicating the issue and it seems to be working on my end.


    Could you export your layout for me and share URL to your site?

    You can download the layout under Layouts -> Import/Export:


    Kind regards,


  •  5
    newclinic replied

    Hi, thank you for your response. It is not the headline text that I want to change, it is the background colour. I've attached a screenshot of it. When I adjust the background colour (lets say I choose grey as in the picture), I want it to cover the entire background. But as you can see, there is still a beige background that spans the entire page. The grey shows up as a box within the beige. How do I make the beige the same colour?

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied

    You can try adding the background color to the row (or to the cell). 
    If you can share the url to your site, or export the sample layout, so I can test it, I will be able to give you exact solution for the issue.

    Kind regards,


  •  5
    newclinic replied

    That's perfect, I found what you meant by adjusting the row/cell colours. My site isn't live yet so URL wouldn't have helped. I appreciate all your help.