Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!

  Public Ticket #1829170
Sticky Header (Add Widget)


  •  2
    David started the conversation

    I am trying to figure out how to add a widget next to the logo in sticky header mode.  Is this possible?  I am wanting to show a button with a phone number so that it is visible in the regular navigation menu and in the sticky menu.

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    Sadly there is no option to add a widget into the sticky menu, but please check the Call to Action button. You can find its settings in Theme Options -> Header & Menu -> Call to action. The button appears at the far right side of the header. You can check the example here:

    But if you want to place it next to the logo, then you can custom code the sticky header template file and place it inside Dentalia child theme. Let me know if you need more info on this.

    Kind regards


  •  2
    David replied

    The biggest issue is that this dental office has multiple locations and they want both phone numbers to be displayed on every page at the top. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to accommodate and make it so that the section is sticky on all devices including mobile.

    Can you recommend a solution or does this fall under custom development.   Would love your input on how this can be done in a child theme.



  •  568
    OrionThemes replied

    Hi David,

    The biggest challenge, as I see it, is that Dentalia does not have a sticky menu for mobile. Mobile devices have little available screen space and having a sticky menu would reduce this space even more. As we don't consider a mobile sticky menu a good UX practice, we never implemented it. 

    Another challenge is that if you'd create your own sticky widget area, it can interfere with standard sticky menu (on desktop).

    So if you want to go into this direction, here is what I recommend: 

    1. integrate the buttons into the existing sticky menu for the desktop version.2. Create a separate sticky top-bar for mobile only.

    First you will need to use a child theme. A sample Dentalia child theme is available inside the main-files zip package on Envato. Copy it to server and activate it. 

    To modify the sticky header, you should copy the file templates/header/header-sticky.php from Dentalia to your child theme. Make sure the path stays exactly the same. Then do all the changes needed inside this new file. All the modifications should be picked up automatically. 

    To create a sticky mobile version, you will first need to create a template file, ie: sticky-mobile-menu.php then copy header.php file from the root of the theme into the child theme and load the new file with the get_template_part function.

    get_template_part( 'sticky', 'mobile-menu.php)

    You can use bootstrap 3 HTML classes like hidden-lg hidden-md to hide the content on mobile.

    Obviously some technical skills are required. But this should get you into the right direction. As all your changes will be inside the child theme, you will be able to still update the Dentalia theme, without loosing any of the modifications. Good luck with the customisation, If you get stuck somewhere, we offer customisation services at 60$/h. 

    Kind regards,Andrej