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  Public Ticket #1826222
SiteOrigin Google Maps widget problem


  •  1
    gilleard started the conversation

    Sorry I can't give login credentials for security reasons but when trying to drag the Google Maps widget into anywhere (sidebar, footer, etc) I'm getting this error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'EditorManager' of undefined
        at t (tinymce-field.min.js?ver=1.13.4:1)
        at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (tinymce-field.min.js?ver=1.13.4:1)</anonymous>

    I would like to note that I haven't tried every widget but the only one I've noticed this problem with is the Google Maps widget.

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    The error does not seem to be caused by the theme. It seems there is an error with tinymce editor field. But without a possibility to log in and check the error it is very hard to find the source of the issue. It could be a plugin conflict, but I might be wrong.

    I tried to reproduce this error by placing the SiteOrigin Google maps widget in the footer (in Appearance -> Widgets). I've created the Google API and everything seems to work:


    I tested using:

    - the latest version of Dentalia, - the latest version of WordPress, - the latest version of SiteOrigin Page builder and widget bundle.

    Could you help me reproduce the error?

    Could you tell me if this error appears on the front end or just in the backend, does it influence the display of the map or the site? What plugins are you using beside the recommended ones? 

    We understand your security concerns but please consider creating a new admin user (user mail [email protected]) You can delete the user as soon as we check and try to resolve the issue. If you send login data, make sure you mark the reply as private or e-mail us directly.

    Kind regards,Andrej

  •   gilleard replied privately
  •   OrionThemes replied privately
  •  1
    gilleard replied

    Thanks I appreciate the help. One problem, I only changed the API key to mine and now the map won't show up. I've checked my google dashboard and all APIs and services are enabled. 

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    The error visible in console is telling that the geocoding API is not enabled:


    In Google developer console, this two both must be enabled:


    Please check your configuration and enable them.

    Kind regards,Andrej

  •  1
    gilleard replied

    Good, thank you very much :)

  •  1
    gilleard replied

    Hi, if you're still there. Another problem.

    I am using this plugin to scroll to anchors on pages:

    The problem is when I use it, the sticky header gets stuck and doesn't go away when the page is scrolled to the top.

    You can test by hitting the button in the header.

  •   OrionThemes replied privately
  •  1
    gilleard replied

    Ah ok, thanks !