1. Download the latest version of the theme from themeforest unzip it.
2. FTP to your server into wp-content/themes folder, rename the /dentalia/ folder to /dentalia_old/ and upload new /dentalia/ folder from your desktop
If everything looks right on the front end, you can then delete dentalia_old folder.
3. (Only for updating from older versions:) Go to theme options, and change header type, save, then change it back to the way it was before and save again. This will copy and rebuild the theme options and apply all your settings from the older version to the new version of the theme.
Can you please show me a way to add my Facebook page, Instagram profile and Twitter profile with the site. either in header or in footer.
Also if you can show me the process to update the theme as i have to update from 1.5 .
Social links
You can add your social links with the (OrionThemes) Icon widget.
1. In theme options make sure the top bar is enabled
2. Go to Appearance -> Widgets and add (OrionThemes) Icon widget to the top-bar left or top-bar right widget area http://jmp.sh/wduHr85
Link to docs: http://orionthemes.com/documentation/dentalia/#icon
Updating the theme
Basically just:
1. Download the latest version of the theme from themeforest unzip it.
2. FTP to your server into wp-content/themes folder, rename the /dentalia/ folder to /dentalia_old/ and upload new /dentalia/ folder from your desktop
If everything looks right on the front end, you can then delete dentalia_old folder.
3. (Only for updating from older versions:) Go to theme options, and change header type, save, then change it back to the way it was before and save again. This will copy and rebuild the theme options and apply all your settings from the older version to the new version of the theme.
Here is the link on updating from the documentation: http://orionthemes.com/documentation/dentalia/#themeupdates
Kind regards,