Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!

  Public Ticket #1308133
Insertar nuevos iconos personalizados


  •  1
    nousestudio started the conversation

    Cordial saludo. 

    Deseo personalizar la plantilla con respecto a las necesidades del cliente, por lo tanto, necesito incluir nuevos iconos a la galería para utilizar dentro del panel de servicio. Desearía poder hacerlo fácilmente como se incluyen fondos e imágenes.

    Agradezco de antemano su colaboración.

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    I sadly don't speak Spanish (I use google translate), but I hope this will help you:

    It is possible to add custom fonts, but it requires some coding. To add a custom iconfont, you will need to use a child theme (you can use the one that comes with the theme). 

    Please check example below (copied and filtered out from the theme), but make sure you give unique names to the functions (rename them), then copy the code to functions.php in the child theme:

    // step 1, create array of icons:
    function orion_add_dentist_icons( $icons ) {       
    return array (         
    'icon-parodontosis' => '',        
    'icon-anesthesia' => '',        
    'icon-protection' => '',        
    'icon-toothbrush' => '',        
    'icon-tooth-seal' => '',        
    'icon-dental-caries' => '',        
    'icon-x-ray' => '',        
    'icon-paradonthosis' => '',        
    'icon-patient-card' => '',        
    'icon-pin-tooth' => '',        
    'icon-teeth' => '',        
    'icon-braces' => '',        
    'icon-brush-your-teeth' => '',        
    'icon-caries-defense' => '',        
    'icon-certificate' => '',        
    'icon-dentist-report' => '',        
    'icon-healthy-tooth' => '',        
    'icon-label' => '',        
    'icon-medical-records' => '',        
    'icon-medical-report' => '',        
    'icon-cleaned-tooth' => '',        
    'icon-cracked-tooth' => '',       
    'icon-dental-calculus' => '',       
     'icon-dental-care' => '',        
    'icon-dentist' => ''    );
    add_filter('siteorigin_widgets_icons_dental', 'orion_add_dentist_icons');
    // step 2. connect them to stylesheet and add them into siteorigin
    function orion_widgets_icon_families_filter( $families ){    
    $families['dentalicons'] = array(        
    'name' => esc_html__( 'Dental Icons 1', 'dentalia' ),        
    'style_uri' => get_template_directory_uri().'/libs/dental-icons/style-ot.css?111',        
    'icons' => apply_filters('siteorigin_widgets_icons_dental', array() )    );                   
    return $families;
    add_filter( 'siteorigin_widgets_icon_families', 'orion_widgets_icon_families_filter' );

    First part is the array of all icon names and their characters. Usually this comes with the font itself, you just need to add it into the array,....

    The second part connects everything, font name, location of the CSS file and icon array.

    Kind regards, 
