Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!

  Public Ticket #1242549
More Tag


  •  1
    Leighjoh started the conversation


    I have inserted a " more tag"  in a Site Origin Editor widget on my home page, but it doesn't appear on the live site. Is there some sort of work around to make it appear? thank you!

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    Could you give us the url to your site and admin username and password so we can check the issue?

    Kind regards,

  •   Leighjoh replied privately
  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    Very nice site, I like it.

    I checked and saw the read more tag in the editor. Unfortunately It seems that SiteOrigin Editor does not support the read more tag. 

    To solve this, you can let the SiteOrigin authors know about this issue here:

    This might take some time to be implemented and you probably don't want to wait for them... 

    To get around this issue, there are couple of options:

    1. It would be possible to add just the first paragraph of text in the editor, then add "Read More" button to it manually (with a Widget or a shortcode), which would take the user to a separate page with the full story. No extra plugin is needed for this.

    2. Another possibility would be to use a plugin like this one:  I haven't tested this plugin though, but it seems like it is worth to try it out. If you choose to go this path, please let me know how it works for you.

    Kind regards,

  •  1
    Leighjoh replied

    Thank you so much for looking into it and providing options. I'll keep you posted on what we go with, in case that helps you with other users. We really like your theme! Best, Leigh

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied

    Thank you Leigh,


  •  1
    Leighjoh replied

    Hello! To add "Show more" in our SiteOrigin widget, we ended up going with "WP show more" plugin by Jamos Web Service.

    It's a very simple, stripped down plugin that one can easily customize text/color, etc. with inline code.

    thanks again for your help and wonderful theme!