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  Public Ticket #1234125
change widget layout in footer 3


  •  3
    Cynthia started the conversation

    How do I move the bottom widget (Cynthia E. Paquette) so it is side by side with the opening hours? In the customizing section under widgets>Footer 3 it only allows me to move them above or below each other

  •  568
    OrionThemes replied


    1. First set the number of columns, you want in the footer
    (click: Theme Options -> Footer)

    This is how 3 column layout looks like on the front end:

    In the example above, there are 3 columns. Each column has it's own widget area (sidebar).

    2. After columns in theme options are set, add your widgets to sidebars:

    In Wordpress dashboard, click to Appearance -> Widgets. This is where you can add widgets to the footer sidebars.

    Widgets which are placed in the sidebar collapse vertically, each below the previous one. To place widgets side by side, they need to be in two different footer sidebars (ie: footer 1 and footer 2).

    You can drag and drop widgets from one area to another.

    I hope this helps,

  •  3
    Cynthia replied

    I had the footer setting to 3 columns but had both widgets in 1 footer. This helped. Thank you!