Thank you for reporting this bug. We will permanently fix it in the next update. But you don't need to wait for the update. I am sending you an updated version of the file orion-static-block-w.php attached.
If you copy it to the server with ftp and place it in the dentalia/widgets/so-widgets/orion-static-block-w/ folder (overwrite the old file), then the drop down should display all of available static blocks.
I've noticed that the dropdown list to select a static block only lists 5 blocks.
I have about 15 static blocks so at the moment I have to use the shortcode to place them on a page if they're not in the dropdown list.
Can the dropdown list be extended to allow for more static blocks?
Thank you for reporting this bug. We will permanently fix it in the next update. But you don't need to wait for the update. I am sending you an updated version of the file orion-static-block-w.php attached.
If you copy it to the server with ftp and place it in the dentalia/widgets/so-widgets/orion-static-block-w/ folder (overwrite the old file), then the drop down should display all of available static blocks.
Let me know, how it goes.
Kind regards,
This worked perfectly. Thank you.
Sorry for the late reply, I was busy filling the site with more static blocks. Such a time saving feature.