Dentalia has now been updated to 2.3 and a major update for Recycle is coming soon. We hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for your patience!

  Public Ticket #1133023
Update killed my theme


  •  1
    clickdoneconsulting started the conversation

    I need my site up and running again. Ran the update and got this message.

    basedir restriction in effect. File(/nfs/c12/h08/mnt/214914/domains/ is not within the allowed path(s): (/nfs:/tmp:/usr/local:/etc/apache2/gs-bin) in /nfs/c12/h08/mnt/214914/domains/ on line 543

    Anytime I activate the theme I get these messages. I need a fix or a rollback update ASAP. Thanks!

  •  564
    OrionThemes replied


    This has to do with Ddentalia plugin update.

    Could you try to delete dentalia-plugin and reinstall it again after a notification for installation appears? Make sure you don't delete the theme, just the plugin.
    If this won't work, please give me access to your WordPress installation and I'll take a look.

    Kind regards,

  •  1
    clickdoneconsulting replied

    This worked, great fix. Thanks!

    Also, all my social media icons on the bottom are routing back to the main page...but in the widget this is not the case. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

  •  564
    OrionThemes replied

    Great, I am glad that this solved the issue.

    Concerning the social media icons. This was the issue in 1.0 version and was later fixed. I would suggest updating the theme to the latest version. Login to ThemeForest and download the latest theme version (1.2). Create a backup of your old theme, just in case anything goes wrong, then install the new version. 

    Please refer to

    Also when you will update the colors and settings will change on front end, but there is a really easy fix to get your colors and settings back:

    Also, if you customized your code, make sure to use a child theme, so you will be able to upgrade easy in the future.

    Kind regards,